
WSG Wörthersee Schifffahrt GmbH
Friedelstrand 3
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Shipping company with affiliated hospitality industry

Company Identification Number (UID): ATU 64128713
Commercial Registry No: FN 310067 g
Jurisdiction: FB-Gericht Klagenfurt

Phone: +43-463-211-55

Indikation of source (pictures): ©, Peter Krivograd, Martin Steinthaler, Nicolas Zangerle and Wolfgang Handler

Member of Austrian Chambers of Commerce, section Bus, aviation and shipping companies, section commercial service providers, section gastronomy
Professional law: Trade Regulations
Borough: Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Concession examination made: in Austria

Consumers can submit complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform: „“
You can address any complaints to the above email address.

Our partners


One of the Most beautiful lookout and trasmission towers in Austria is locatet south of Lake Wörthersee in Carinthia. The popular destination is in the municipial area of Keutschach am See. On the over 851 meters above sea level situated Pyramidenkogel the oberservation tower was reopened in 2013.


Top 3 Ausflugsziele Logo


The miniature world at Lake Wörthersee offers its guests 159 models from more than 40 countries on a scale of 1:25 in the outdoor area and an interactive round-the-world-tour at the indoor adventure-world. A highlight for the whole family.